SMALL (3"x3"): weighs approx. 0.25oz
LARGE (3"x5"): weighs approx. 0.49oz
Powers: Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep
Magical Uses: Linden is a commonly utilized protective tree in Europe. It is often hung over doorways to serve its purpose, or it can be grown in one's garden.
Linden bark can prevent intoxication when carried, and its leaves and flowers are often utilized in love spells. Due to its association with immortality, the leaves are also used in spells related to long life.
Linden and Lavender equally mixed make excellent pillows which hasten sleep in the insomniac, and good luck charms are carved from the wood and carried.
These flowers produce a slightly sweet aromatic scent with a hint of citrus, making them perfect for a gentle wellness tea or as a fragrant and effective ingredient in DIY lotions. Its sweet aroma is a relaxing break for mind, body, and spirit.
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Venus, Lada